Membership and Giving
Thank you for visiting our Membership and Giving page.
Here, you will find a membership form and various ways to give to the church.
Become a member of the community
Standing Order
You can give to the Church through a regular Standing Order. This is an excellent way to give as it ensures that the church receives all of your donation with no platform charges.
You can ask your bank to make regular payments from your account directly into the church’s bank account.
1. Set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or notify your local branch with our bank account details:
Orthodox Church Community of St Anne and All Saints of Worcestershire
Account Number: 30092068
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Please quote a reference as: your first name and surname.
2. Download, print, fill out, and give your bank the Standing Order Mandate found in the link below.
Once you have set up or amended your standing order please email stanneallsaintsworcs[at] so we can identify your gift.
Download a Standing Order Mandate
You can give to the Church using PayPal. If you have a PayPal account you can easily set up a regular monthly donation using PayPal in five very easy steps:
follow the link to the below
Set your donation value
Submit the Donation
Please be aware that PayPal charges the church a 2.9% fee on all Donations but it is a very quick and convenient way to donate.
Gifts in wills can help to transform the lives of the church of St Anne and All Saints of Worcestershire. They are an important part of Christian giving and leaving a gift to our church is a way to thank God for all the blessings you have received in your lifetime.
Please visit our legacies page for more information.
Thank you for reading about how to give to the Church. Please visit our Stewardship page on this website to find out more about how offering to God a portion of the gifts with which we have been blessed helps promote our spiritual growth and strengthen our faith. On this page you can also find a link to complete a Stewardship Commitment Card to set out how you plan to help the church in the coming year both financially and with your time and talents.
If you worship with us regularly please complete this form to keep our records up to date.