Recommended minimum donation
Recommended minimum donation
£200 - In our Premises
£250 - Other Churches, Halls etc*
* We need a special licence from H.E. the Archbishop to do Weddings elsewhere, and only if the venue (Hall, etc.) is far away from the Church.
Register - Civil Wedding
Recommended minimum donation
* Our Church is appointed by the Competent Municipal Authorities to officiate Civil Marriages during the blessing of the Sacred Mystery of Marriage. The Civil Marriage takes place in order for the Wedding to be valid in UK.
Recommended minimum donation
£200 - In our Premises
£250 - Cemetery
Personal Sacraments
Personal Sacraments
At church by arrangement with Fr Juan.
House Blessings and Pastoral Visits
By arrangement with Fr Juan.
He needs to be collected from Pershore or your nearest rail station.
Contact Fr Juan